Since we are based on continuous learning and development in our activity, we are expanding our R&D team day by day. At the same time, we increase our projects by investing in our technology in order to meet newly emerging needs and bring original ideas to life.

Constant Study

MakIng sure of the qualIty

Our engineers study constantly the behaviour of the implements on field. Marrying our know-how with new technology brings us new projects and opportunities. UNLU’s R&D team is both young, experienced and full of new ideas to make real.


Designing & Testing


With latest investments, R&D department designing future implements as most accurate as ever. The key for us is an effective design which makes the implements user-friendly. Testing stage is a critical step to understand end user needs. Related implement is tested on crops as a real soil preparation activity. Turkey has various types of soil that are close match to other geographies abroad. We use this wisely.

Collaboration with Universities

TakIng golden advIces from academIsts and specIalIsts

UNLU AGRIGROUP cares professional collaborations. Especially with researching universities. We attach great importance to different point of views from professors, specialists, agricultural engineers and young engineers. Furthermore, our agricultural implements are subjected to performance tests at the university test center.